I dropped Through The Looking Glass in the 4th grade, began drawing, and have never stopped. This journey has given me the opportunity to express my views of the world through my artwork. My passions appear over and over throughout my work: water, light and shadow, reflections, transparency, and translucence. I have recorded my life and included people and objects that have given meaning to my life, including bright color, toys of my childhood, friends and vacations, as well as my home environment. I love the feel of the brush in my hand. It is an extension of my thought process.
Watercolor was my first adventure into the world of images. I love the immediacy of the medium. As I grew older, I became intrigued by oil paint, a medium that allows me more time to study a subject in depth. My glasswork grew out of love of transparency (a carry over from watercolor) and the desire to simplify my compositions.
My work reflects strains of classical American realism. I studied painting at American University in Washington DC with Jack Boul, Ben Summerford and Alan Feltus.
Now that I have retired from 30 years as an art teacher, I have more time to work with my brush in hand and record the world according to “Ann”. I live in a sophisticated infrastructure of culture rich in inspiration and encouragement. My work in both group and solo shows in the Washington DC area.
I am a Docent at the Smithsonian American Art Museum and give tours to the public and school children with the hope that I can communicate my love of art to the Museum visitors.
My hope is that this web site will give me the chance to see my work in the rear view mirror. It is also an opportunity to share my vision with those who ask “and what do you do?”
Shows & Awards
- Women’s Club of Chevy Chase Award 2016, 1st Prize Portrait
- Smithsonian “Artist At Work” Show, 2015
- Featured Artist Montgomery Art Assoc. Gallery, 2014 Wheaton MD
- Garrett Park Gallery solo show, 2014 Garrett Park MD
- Featured Artist Limerick Pub, 2014 Wheaton MD
- Women’s Club of Chevy Chase Award 2014, award
- Women’s Club of Chevy Chase Award 2013, award
- Garrett Park Gallery solo Show, 2012
- Kensington Paint the Town Show, 2010 award
- Smithsonian “Artists at Work” Show Feb.2008
- Guest Artist, Garrett Park Café, 1999
- Guest Artist, Creative Partners Gallery 1995, Bethesda MD